"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity,
it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path."
~ Agatha Christie

Alex, Cole and Braden - At 2 years, 2 months

Monday, December 15, 2008

My Little Babushkas


Recently, after giving my mother's awesome camera back and starting once again to grab the point and shoot we have, I found a bunch of pictures from about a month ago that I had forgotten all about!  Nothing major, just a little bit of happiness here and there - which is always a good thing.  ;)

So, this is one of the groups - we were playing with scarves one day - I am a big fan of simple, old-fashioned toys.  I have a bunch of old scarves that I stuffed into a plastic container with a big lid that screws on and they love to play with it!  If they can't get the top off, they come to one of us and say "OH-pan!" (Open) in their cutest, squeakiest, attention-getting voice.  Sometimes they get it backwards and say "Cohwse?" (Got a guess?  Close!) and it's so gosh darn adorable.  

This day, we were throwing them in the air amid squeals of delight, wrapping them around, Audrey Hepburn style, and playing tug-of-war.  I swear we played with these for about a half hour!  But the best is them letting me make a babushka for them.  Cole even stayed put and turned his head side-to-side with a little smirk on his handsome face once it was wrapped around, proving he is, without a doubt, Polish.  They all loved this activity and it's been a favorite ever since.  I've got such good kids.  

Some days.  :)

I guess this was one of them!










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