"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity,
it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path."
~ Agatha Christie

Alex, Cole and Braden - At 2 years, 2 months

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Beautiful Morning


Yep, that's officially below zero here in Buffalo - and it's supposed to stay that way all day, in the negative... During the day!  And it's even sunny!  

It's darn cold, but this morning's sunrise was gorgeous.  With the ice and snow - it's beautiful out there (as long as I am in here, I say).  The windows are frosty and the sun just glowed through that thin sheet of ice.  We also have an overflow of icicles due to this crazy cold weather - the old thawing + freezing + old house = insane icicles equation...


Doesn't it look like I am taking this from inside some abominable's frozen jaws? ;)  Ok, maybe it's just me.  

I wish my mother's camera were here to see this.  ;(  The little point and shoot was happy to fill in though.  


Good morning!


1 comment:

my stay-at-home-momma drama said...

So pretty! It is freezing here too . . . only about 10 degrees. Ouch. We're coming to NY this weekend to go to the cabin again. Hope it get a little warmer so we can play outside.